Swim Lessons at the Upper Moreland Swim Club are intended to teach the fundamentals of swimming in a fun and safe environment while encouraging pool safety. Student participation is

encouraged through one-on-one and group activities as well as through games.


Students must be four years of age to enter the program. Classes average six students to every teacher, but may vary. Every class will have at least one certified lifeguard as an instructor. Students are expected to follow the standard operating procedures of the UMSC. Failure to do so may result in the removal from the swim lesson program.


Lessons run Monday through Thursday; Friday will be used as a rain date. Lessons run for 45 minutes, 11-11:45. We do not refund lessons missed by the student. Please see the Swim Lesson Program Coordinator, or the Pool Manager, with any questions.


Skill Levels

  • Beginner 1: This skill level is for children just getting used to the water. Basic swimming skills are covered.
  • Beginner 2: This skill level is for children who are comfortable and confident swimming in the water and are working toward passing their band test.
  • Beginner 3: This skill level is for students who have their band and are looking to further their swimming skills by increasing their endurance and learning more strokes. Diving is also covered.



Dates for the 2024 season are:

  • Session 1: June 17 to June 27
  • Session 2: July 1 to July 11
  • Session 3: July 15 to July 25
  • Session 4: July 29 to August 8

The cost per session for bonded family members is $65 per child; for non-bonded family members, the cost is $100 per child. 


To register, download and fill out the form below ⬇️ and return it with payment (cash or check) to Swim Lesson Coordinator OR Pool Manager at your earliest convenience.


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